Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Agility Class Notes Nicole Levesque Team Spirit 08/12/21


Handling 1-2-3-4A.  Turn into dog at 3, handler pointing towards dog take-off, don't watch dog take-off, if you do you're too late!

Handling 1-2-3-4b same as first but run!

Handling 1-2-3-4c  head for 4c

Other sequence:

1. 1 tunnel (reversed direction) to 4c but tunnel side to 4a (unmarked side).  V set (small)

2. 1 tunnel to 4c to 3 (close side) larger V set

3. 1 tunnel to 4c to 2: Face dog coming out of tunnel, Left hand shows jump, keep right shoulder back as you turn to 2 to not pull dog off 4c.

Reverse all