Sunday, March 28, 2010

Class 03/15

Annie: Started off well but then shut down. Messed up start line (went around jump). Elizabeth said I shouldn't correct her. Everything needs to be fun with Annie.

Katie and Diva; Circles, front cross, spin for rear cross, tunnel, focus forward, doggie zen

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Class 2 with Elizabeth

Annie and Me: There were just 3 of us in the handling class tonight. Annie was very unfocused everything but me was more interesting. We went back to the jump sequence we worked on the first night. I think I did everything I could do wrong the first run through. We broke it up into pieces and I could see the err in my ways.

How I handled it: 1-2 -I positioned Annie perpendicular to jump one so I had to stand facing jump 2 to get her to turn. Then crossed (but she of course went deep). On to 3-4-5 and Annie was gawking into the distance (there was something in one of the pens, and her focus was not on me). I tried to pull her around between 6 and 7 but that ended up with me blocking th entry of the tunnel.

Following is the course, and the line I should have taken indicated by the notes.